About PairRec Lighting

PairRec Lighting: Illuminating Connectivity with LiFi Technology

Background and Motivation

PairRec Lighting has been a prominent figure in the hospitality sector for over 24 years. The journey towards establishing a LiFi Community Network began with a realization prompted by the queries of hotel guests regarding the locations of various points of interest within hotels. Recognizing the inadequacies of existing geolocation technologies, PairRec Lighting sought a more robust solution. The company initially considered developing a smartphone app for indoor navigation but pivoted upon discovering the limitations of iBeacon technology. This led to an exploration of alternative approaches, ultimately culminating in the discovery of Light Fidelity (LiFi) technology.

Embracing LiFi Technology

LiFi technology captured PairRec Lighting's attention due to its potential to offer not only geolocation services in conjunction with mobile applications but also a wide array of other applications. LiFi's benefits spanned various domains, including Estimated Use of Service optimization, retail assistance, and indoor navigation in expansive venues such as hotels, malls, airports, and cruise lines. Moreover, LiFi proved particularly advantageous in environments where WiFi was either unavailable or prohibited, such as hospitals, remote areas, airports, or airplanes.

PairRec Lighting's Objectives in Building a LiFi Community Network

PairRec Lighting recognized the need for a robust LiFi network to provide users and businesses with a reliable backup plan for internet access in scenarios where WiFi is unavailable or prohibited. Additionally, the company aimed to leverage the LiFi network as a tool to enhance internet security. Furthermore, PairRec Lighting envisioned leveraging lighting products across the LiFi network for promotion, expansion, and growth.

PairRec Lighting Offerings


PairRec Lighting offers tailored advertising services, leveraging LiFi technology to deliver targeted advertising solutions that capitalize on the connectivity and engagement potential of LiFi networks.

Information Services

PairRec Lighting provides comprehensive information services that leverage LiFi technology to deliver real-time information and assistance, enhancing user experiences in various settings such as hotels, malls, and airports.


PairRec Lighting specializes in designing LiFi-enabled lighting solutions that seamlessly integrate with existing infrastructure, ensuring optimal functionality and aesthetics.


PairRec Lighting manufactures cutting-edge LiFi-enabled lighting products, prioritizing quality and innovation to deliver reliable performance and durability.


PairRec Lighting is committed to advancing LiFi technology, continuously developing and refining solutions to meet the evolving needs of users and businesses.

Goals and Vision

PairRec Lighting's vision is to establish a comprehensive LiFi network that provides seamless internet access, enhances connectivity, and promotes internet security. By integrating lighting products with data transmission and reception capabilities across the LiFi network, PairRec Lighting aims to foster expansion and growth while offering a reliable backup plan for internet access.


PairRec Lighting's dedication to innovation and connectivity underpins its mission to establish a robust LiFi network. By harnessing its expertise and embracing LiFi technology, PairRec Lighting aims to illuminate the path to enhanced connectivity and internet accessibility for users and businesses worldwide.


PairRec Lighting is headquartered at:
180 Steuart Street,
Suite 191012
San Francisco, CA, USA, 94119