PairRec Lighting Accessibility Statement: Ensuring Inclusive Online Experience for All

Accessibility Statement


No matter what kind of impairment or disability someone has, PairRec Lighting is dedicated to making sure that our website is usable by everyone. We proactively strive to enhance the usability and accessibility of our website, while also complying with numerous established guidelines and standards.

PairRec Lighting is dedicated to giving everyone, including people with disabilities, an inclusive and accessible experience. PairRec Lighting is committed to providing individuals with disabilities with equal access to all of the products, services, advantages, privileges, and accommodations that PairRec Lighting makes available via . In order to furnish individuals with disabilities with meaningful access and efficient communication, PairRec Lighting has implemented the subsequent measures: 


This policy statement and notice, which is clearly and immediately linked from the homepage, is provided by PairRec Lighting in an effort to get feedback from users on how to make the website more accessible. We would appreciate hearing your thoughts about how accessible is. Kindly inform us if you face any difficulties gaining access: Email address:


In an effort to enhance accessibility and user experience, PairRec Lighting has adopted the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines ("WCAG") 2.1 Level AA and will use all reasonable means to bring into compliance. The Web Accessibility Initiative ("WAI") and the World Wide Web Consortium ("W3C") publish WCAG, which can be accessed at . Technical guidelines for enhancing digital accessibility are called the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. 


To create an optimal experience across a variety of browser, device, and assistive technology combinations, relies upon the following languages and specifications: • HTML • WAI-ARIA • CSS • JavaScript Keep in mind that various technology setups may interpret code differently and produce experiences that are particular to those setups. 


The most recent versions of the major browsers, including Chrome, FireFox, and Safari, as well as assistive technologies are compatible with PairRec Lighting, which can be accessed at Screen readers such as TalkBack, VoiceOver, JAWS, and NVDA are examples of assistive technologies. Internet Explorer 10 and older browsers might not display optimally. 


Web accessibility has been assigned to PairRec Lighting. 

who is in charge of enforcing this policy and has expertise with web accessibility. 


This policy statement is available to and distributed yearly to all employees of PairRec Lighting who are in charge of creating, developing, maintaining, managing, or in any other way overseeing the format and content of  ("Chuck Johnson"). Employees and contractors of PairRec Lighting are expected to abide by this policy.  


Equal Web, an impartial third-party expert, has been hired by PairRec Lighting to offer advice and to yearly assess and test for WCAG 2.1 AA compliance. Based on the evaluation, Equal Web creates a written report that highlights any obstacles and offers suggestions for improving 's accessibility. 


PairRec Lighting continuously evaluates and enhances the accessibility of through automated testing and user testing by people with disabilities. 


PairRec Lighting gives web content personnel yearly training on web accessibility, and when evaluating their work, they take into account how well and to what extent the staff members integrated accessibility considerations into their work. 


Through PairRec Lighting’s proactive efforts and genuine commitment to accessibility and following best practices set forth by relevant laws and governing bodies, PairRec Lighting believes it not only meets but exceeds the digital accessibility requirements imposed by Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as well as other applicable antidiscrimination laws.

Language - Explicitness and Simplicity

All content on PairRec Lighting's website is written in an effort to be easily understood by all visitors by using plain language. We give full definitions of any technical terms and abbreviations when they are used.

Framework - Titles and Sections

PairRec Lighting reserves H1 for the title and uses proper heading tags (H2-H6) to organize content logically. To improve readability, we keep sentences and paragraphs brief and divide lengthy passages of text using bullet points or numbered subheadings.

Style - Connectivity

On PairRec Lighting's website, every link has an obvious name so that people using screen readers or other assistive technology can know what each one is for.

Text Size and Typefaces

To improve readability, PairRec Lighting uses dyslexia-friendly fonts, such as sans-serif accessibility fonts like Helvetica or Arial. Users with visual impairments are further supported by the minimum text size of 12.

Photographic Alt Text

PairRec Lighting makes all of the images on our website accessible to users with vision impairments by including alternative text, or alt text, for each image.

Avoiding Difficulties in Style

We refrain from using italicized text or large blocks of capital letters to improve readability. Links are the only things that should be indicated by underlining. 

Style of Publication

The website of PairRec Lighting is published in HTML format to guarantee cross-browser and assistive technology compatibility.

Multimedia Information

Multimedia content, including audio and video, is accompanied by transcripts or alternative descriptions in addition to alt text for images, to guarantee accessibility for users of different abilities.


The website of PairRec Lighting is made with an easy-to-use navigation system. To help users navigate through interactive elements, focus indicators are visible and keyboard navigation is supported.

Shapes and Engaging Components

Our website has forms that are labeled appropriately and have instructions to make them accessible. Interactive features are designed to be usable and accessible to people with disabilities. 

Color Distinction

To improve readability for users with visual impairments, PairRec Lighting makes sure that text and background elements have enough color contrast.

Continuous Work

Our goal at PairRec Lighting is to keep our website accessible and to make it even better. As part of our continuous commitment to offering an inclusive online experience for all users, we conduct regular accessibility audits and updates.

Get in Touch

We appreciate your input regarding our website's accessibility. Please get in touch with us at: if you run into any accessibility issues or have ideas for how we can make improvements.

PairRec Lighting
Chuck Johnson - President
180 Steuart Street
Suite 191012
San Francisco, CA. 94119

In Summary

PairRec Lighting is committed to giving all users access to a welcoming and inclusive online environment. Our goal is to build a website that everyone, with or without disabilities, can enjoy by adhering to best practices and standards. We value your opinions greatly and will use them to improve the accessibility of our website.


Wednesday, February 7, 2024